Help us in our fight to combat the epidemic of gun, gang violence
Gun violence is an epidemic and one of the largest growing problems in the United States today. Every year in the U.S guns kill nearly 30,000 men, women and children. Law enforcement, experts in this field and gun prevention experts all agree on one thing and that is….. Having more people carry guns will still not make our communities, schools, or homes any safer nor deter gun violence.
Tell me what is your State Legislatures or Congress around this blood stained country doing about this growing problem? Not enough in my opinion, why because the gun industry and organizations like the NRA spend obscene amounts of money to block any type of legislation that is designed to help and reduce murder deaths and gun injuries and create safer communities for all of us to live in.
Gun lobbyists claim that they are protecting gun owner’s rights and the Second Amendment, and I’m all for protecting responsible gun owners (RESPONSIBLE) but we need to close some of the loopholes that are leaking so many guns on the streets and causing more and more murders and gun related deaths in the U.S. Millions of American families continue to pay this unbearable price for our national obsession with guns.
What can we do to turn around this social epidemic of gun violence in the U.S.? One answer or solution would be to support grassroots organizations like us here at No Weapon Needed these organizations are the ones educating our youth of today growing up in the midst of all this gun and gang violence (our future) and fighting state by state to close the loopholes that leak out so many illegal guns on our streets.
Here at No Weapon Needed we will never be able to reach our goals and vision for a safer community for all of us to live in without financial support.
No Weapon Needed is working tirelessly to stop the epidemic of gun and gang violence. Gun and gang violence is a subject that’s close to everyone heart. No matter where you live, no matter how rich or poor, no matter what color your skin is… it lives. Please help us here at No Weapon Needed stop the epidemic of gun and gang violence…..violence against all children, family and friends…..we are all human beings. Make your contribution to help No Weapon Needed today. Join us in our fight to stop this epidemic of gun and gang violence. START TODAY!!